
Kite flier


Big girl


Happy boy

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sex and Teenagers

The summer Merideth was sixteen, I went on a car trip with my parents to see relatives and some more of America. She was working as a lifeguard at a local pool and this was way before cell phones. A few months after I got home, I learned that she had called one of my sisters in my absence and asked about sex and birth control. My sister recommended that she get some pills. I was furious.

It wasn't my sister's place to advise her of anything except to wait for me to get back. But, Merideth had told her that her boyfriend was pressing her. "If you really love me, you'll do it with me." When I heard that, my eyes welled up. Young males use teenage girls and abuse their trust and caring. It's a darn shame.

Had I been given the chance, I could have told Merideth that sex is not the equivalent of love. It has to do ONLY with raging hormones. Boys could care less about love or a girl's feelings and that sometimes never changes.

I would have said that sex with love is a wonderful thing and she should wait until she was out of high school. She should wait until she falls in love with an older man, someone who respects women and would never demean them. That's what most high school/college boys are all about - sex without respect or kindness.

But, I did not get that chance. I hope that you do.

(There is a little more background to this history, but that will be for another day.)

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